
We welcome everyone who has an interest in history and in particular, the Loyalist era. We provide a chance to meet people who are like-minded in their interest through an interesting and meaningful program that includes regular meetings and activities designed to preserve, promote and celebrate the history and traditions of the Loyalist era in Canadian history. 

We have members in several countries and throughout Canada.

To join you may:

  • pay by cheque of cash, complete the membership form 2025 membership application and mail it along with your cheque to the Branch. The membership form can be downloaded from  or can be obtained by contacting the Membership Chair.
  • if you prefer to pay by debit or credit card Dominion has provided an on-line facility at  Send your membership form to

If you are directly descended from a Loyalist you may apply for UE certification. As the only lineal descent society in Canada it is important that we document our lines from the United Empire Loyalists for posterity. We hope that members’ interest continue and that they take part in the activities of Toronto Branch and the UELAC.

The first step is to become a member of the Association by joining a branch (see above). The right of all Loyalist descendants to affix the letters UE was decreed by Lord Dorchester at the end of the Revolutionary War. After an applicant has provided documentary evidence (as per UELAC guidelines) proving their lineal descent from their Loyalist, a certificate is issued. 

  • Either male or female, as of 19 April 1775, a resident of the American colonies, and who joined the Royal Standard prior to the Treaty of Separation of 1783, or otherwise demonstrated loyalty to the Crown, and who settled in territory remaining under the rule of the Crown; or
  • a soldier who served in an American Loyalist Regiment and was disbanded in Canada; or
  • a member of the Six Nations of either the Grand River or the Bay of Quinte Reserve who is descended from one whose migration was similar to that of other Loyalists.

Toronto branch, as all branches do, has a genealogist whose role is to offer advice and assistance to individuals who wish to document their line. It is an excellent opportunity for the applicant to talk to family members about their heritage and encourage the next generations as well!

We would like to hear from you!

Upcoming Events

7:30 pm Speaker Series – Denis Fortier –... @ Via ZOOM
Speaker Series – Denis Fortier –... @ Via ZOOM
Mar 18 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Speaker Series - Denis Fortier - Loyalists of Quebec @ Via ZOOM
This presentation will discuss UE Loyalists who settled in Quebec, when they came and where they settled. Many only stayed in Quebec for a short period of time before moving...