This knocker was brought to Saint John, N.B. May 18, 1783 by Dr Eowin Nathan Smith of DeLancey’s Loyalist Brigade.
He took knocker and door from his home in New York State for his new home in Saint John, New Brunswick.
Margaret A. Stewart descendant donated this knocker to the UEL House Toronto 1952.
A sampler reading “There is no Place LIKE Home”.

Three pictures by Fred Ross in 1987: one of a New Jersey Volunteer Sargeant and the second a Corporal, 2nd Battalion DeLancey’s Brigade. The third of various Loyalist regiments.

Loyal Ranger, Six Nations Warrior, Butler’s Ranger, 84th Royal Highland emigrant, Queen’s Ranger and King’s Royal Yorker
A wall photo collection that includes original officer’s button, pewter buttons and shoulder belt plate from Butler’s Rangers.

Butler’s Rangers – formed as an American Provincial loyalist corps in 1777 under the command of Colonel John Butler, the Rangers were headquartered at Fort Niagara during the Revolutionary War. Most Rangers were from the Hudson, Schohaire and Mohawk valleys of New York and also from Pennsylvania. The Regiment was disbanded in June of 1784. Most Rangers received their U.E. land grants along the shorelines of lakes Erie and Ontario from Windsor to Cobourg with the heaviest concentration in the Niagara Penninsula.
The officer’s button is gilt with bone backing. The pewter buttons are those worn by the other ranks. The shoulder belt plate is of brass, now darkened with age.
More Buttons

- QUEEN’S RANGERS (FIRST AMERICAN) Post Revolutionary War Period
- ROYAL CANADIAN VOLUTEERS Post Revolutionary War Period. A Volunteer regiment. Ca 1790’s
- ROYAL ARTILLERY Worn by British regulars during and after the Revolutionary War
A selection of prints drawn by Peter Johnson UE for Toronto Branch’s 1984 publication Loyalist Lineages of Canada.

The oldest known sampler made in America.

The Needlework Sampler was donated in 1951 by Miss Annie L. Presley and includes a copy of Miss Presley’s UE application on the back of the frame as providence. It was made by her ancestor in 1728 when she was just 16.
The alphabet, numbers 1-10 are worked on it along with the phrase:
“Have communion with few
Speak evil of none
Be intimate with one
Deal justly with all”
Miss Presley’s grandmother brought it with her from Pennsylvania.
A 1915 Postcard depicting George Ruggle’s 1742 home on “Loyalist Row” in Cambridge, Massachusetts

This is a 1947 postcard sent to Toronto UEL members requesting support for a wedding gift to Princess Elizabeth. The present request is quite interesting!

Oil painting: Hon John Beverley Robinson UEL Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario 1880-1887 and 1st President of the Association

One of the greatest treasures is this book described as “A fascinating book written up in longhand with hand painted colour plates (armourial bearings with some ‘fantasy’ elements included) for some of the original members of the U.E.L. Association of Ontario. It includes their genealogy, as well as, some photos of the individuals involved. Written during 1898.” The book was authored by Edward Marion Chadwick

The following are selected pages from the book along with the relevant transcriptions.
John Beverly Robinson, First President of the Association.

Lieut. Col. George Sterling Ryerson including the transcription.

Two more of the founders of the Association: Capt’n William Hamilton MERRITT and Allan McLean HOWARD.
Captain William Hamilton MERRITT.

Allan McLean Howard

And lastly Miss Laura Clarke granddaughter of James Secord UEL and great granddaughter of James Secord who came to Canada with others of the same family after the American Revolutionary War and settled in Niagara. Her grandmother was the Laura Secord whose historic exploit enabled Fitzgibbon to gain the brilliant victory of Beaverdam in the War of 1812-14.